A list of resources for the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and our allies.
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Protest and Counter-Protest Safety
General Safety
The following are universal protest safety tips in our experience. These also appear in most protest / counterprotest guides we’ve seen.
- Travel and attend with a buddy or in groups
- Plan how you’ll get to the counter-protest and back home
- Let people know where you’re going and when you’ll be home
- Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather
- Bring face masks, water, and snacks
- Maintain a safe distance from 1MM4C protestors.
- Do not approach, talk to, or confront people individually.
- If a 1MM4C protestor is provoking you: ignore them and walk away.
- If your counter-protest has designated safety marshalls, let them know if someone is acting aggressively (on either side)
Protest Safety Guides
If you have time to read just one of these, Egale’s 2SLGBTQI Protest Safety Guide is our recommended essential reading.
Egale Canada
Anti-2SLGBTQI hate in Canada is on the rise in Canada. We see it in the anti-trans policies and policy proposals emerging provincially and federally and in the rising rates of hate crimes, hate speech, and other instances of hate. We also see it in the development of coordinated anti-trans protests in cities across Canada. Many members of 2SLGBTQI and allied communities have joined together to organize and attend counter-protests.
Drawing on the Pride Safety Toolkit developed by Egale Canada and Fierté Canada Pride as well as the Guide for Pride Defenders prepared by the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, this resource is designed to help counter-protestors keep themselves and one another as safe as possible.
Canadian Anti-Hate Network
Pride Defenders are the brave people who show up to counter the far-right, using many different tactics.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it’s better to take one action than freeze up because doing everything feels impossible. With that in mind, we’ve organized this guide into three parts—Before Pride, During Pride, and After Pride—and within each section, we’ve highlighted the one or two points we would suggest prioritizing.
While this guide specifically refers to Pride events and defences, the information can be used to prepare you for many kinds of defences or counters against the far-right.
Educational Resources
What actually is SOGI?
SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) is an educational policy framework, which has existed in British Columbia schools (and some Alberta school jurisdictions) since 2014.
SOGI is a basis of common-sense and humane policies that make K-12 schools a welcoming and safe environment for everyone, that discourages bullying through modelling inclusion— not just LGBTQ youth but kids who are different in any other way. This in turn improves the learning environment in schools for everyone.
What it does do is acknowledge that everyone deserves respect and dignity. It’s not about promoting any one lifestyle or orientation, but rather promoting understanding, acceptance, unity, and people living authentically. The SOGI framework does not assign specific curricula in schools.
Contrary to what the so-called “parental rights movement” says about SOGI, there is absolutely nothing sinister about SOGI. However, you may be unsure of SOGI because you’ve heard people around you repeating outrageous lies about it. Some examples are:
- “SOGI takes parents’ right away”
- “SOGI sexualizes children” or “teaches kids how to have sex”
- “SOGI makes children trans or gay”
All of these statements are patently untrue. If you have heard things like this, we especially urge you to check out the following resources to get the facts about what SOGI is, and what it isn’t:
- Arc Foundation, “No one should feel like they are the only one.”
- Arc Foundation, “SOGI-Inclusive Education Resource Guide”
- Oceanside Pride, “SOGI – What is it?” (pamphlet)
- Surrey School District, “Message From Supt. Mark Pearmain: Understanding SOGI-Inclusive Education” (October 16, 2023)
Thanks to the following organizations for their development of some of these resources: ARC Foundation, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, Egale Canada, Fierté Canada Pride, and Oceanside Pride.